
Date             Distance        Comments
05.07.11       .50 miles         Really easy - trying to follow the docs orders
05.09.11       .75 miles         Feeling good - need to stay at .5 or .75 for just a bit
05.16.11       .75 miles         Was out of town - back now and feeling good!
05.22.11       .90 miles         In Colorado. high altitude + incline = challenging
05.25.11       1.40 miles       Finally done with traveling!
05.30.11       2.00 miles       Beautiful.
06.01.11       3.34 miles       Oops - but how fun!
06.04.11       1.50 miles       Little run...
06.08.11       2.00 miles       Need to run more!
06.09.11       2.00 miles       Good
06.13.11       2.30 miles       Getting ready for the 5K on Saturday
06.16.11       1.00 mile         5k on Saturday!
06.18.11       3.10 miles       Finished 12th out of 56 in my group in the 5K
06.22.11       1.00 mile         Just warming up before a workout
06.24.11       .50 miles         ...warming up again