I've been taking teeny-tiny jogs to the car, jumping a few stairs and doing some calf exercises - baby steps, I know. This month is just testing the waters. I know I have to be careful; take it slow, even though I don't always feel that I need to.
I have to be very aware and cautious of my tendency to push. Pain isn't a deterrent for me. Out of breath isn't a deterrent for me. (The stress fracture is proof of that.) My thrill in running comes from those tough last few minutes. I tend to be a "just five more minutes this time" kind of runner. That's how I went from about 2 miles a week to 8 miles a week in three weeks. I just push and push because I enjoy the challenge; I enjoy the freedom in running.
I would have never, ever thought I would be someone who loved to run. I liked the sprint races on field day in elementary school. But that was it! Once I hit Jr. High, you couldn't pay me to run. And that has been true of me until this last summer. Something in my brain said, "Run 15 minutes, just keep your heart rate up for 15 minutes. Piece of cake." It quickly became 30 minutes, and I quickly recognized that I loved that time. I loved to run.
This past December I recognized that I loved to run. I found that the music in my ears made a huge difference. My sweet hubby got me a teeny ipod. It's crazy small. And I discovered after a couple of weeks that I loved to run to bluegrass music. Not Bella Fleck bluegrass. I love running to Nickel Creek. It makes me feel like I'm running on the east coast somewhere; passing a lighthouse; looking out to the distant islands. Pure joy and freedom. I breathed better. My mind reeled with delight as I listened to the intricacies of their music. Heaven.
Before I (finally) went to the doctor last month (3 months after the pain in my leg began), I had started branching out in my music a little. Still no heavy rock. That just scrambles my brain and breathing. But I do love some Red Hot Chili Peppers' "Higher Ground". Oh, I love it! I had also started running intervals. Fun! I digress...
I know that I will have to start slow on May 1st. I won't get to run like I want to on my birthday, but I will do something. Anything! And I am very confident that over the eight weeks, my time and distance will improve. But! I need lots of prayer that God will heal my leg so I can be well enough for the challenge. I know that this blog entry has been all about me - basically, so you all will understand what's going on. But the truth of the matter is that I could get back to all of it without participating in Tread on Trafficking.
The point is that there are children in the world who are hurting. The word 'hurting' does not accurately capture the nightmare in which they live - night after night. If in my teeny struggle to get back to my running feet I can raise awareness and funds to shed light on the horrendous reality of trafficking and give hope by supporting an organization that truly does restore broken girls....oh, Lord, heal my leg so that each step I take is one closer to truth being reveled and help being just a moment away for some little girl.
To learn more about trafficking or Love146, visit their website at http://www.love146.org/.
To make a pledge for my campaign (per mile/hour or one-time gift), visit my donation page at http://Love146.kintera.org/tread/jenmellick.
God bless you all.
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