Thursday, May 26, 2011

Sorry for the Delay Folks!

The last two weeks have not been conducive for devoting myself to running. I was out of town for the Christian Alliance for Orphans Summit VII and then last week we had a death in the family so I was in Colorado.  It's not just that I was out of town but that my schedule while out of town was tight. Now that I'm through it, I have no excuse for not picking up my routine again.

Last night I ran 1.4 miles. It sounds kind of pathetic, but I am starting to feel stronger (in that area of my leg). It's hard to describe how the leg can feel weak (not the muscles). I'm feeling like I can put more weight or pressure on my leg now. So I pushed beyond a little bit last night to test it. If it hurt afterwards then I would pull back. Honestly, my leg feels alright, but my muscles are feeling it - which is indicator to me (now that I've learned my lesson) to hang out at this distance for just a bit.

So here we go! Back on track!

To learn more about trafficking or Love146, visit their website at

To make a one-time gift, visit my donation page at

To make a pledge, visit the Pledges & One-Time Gifts page here on my blog.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Off and Running!

It's not much, but I ran 1/2 a mile yesterday! :o) That sounds pretty pathetic actually, but I started off hearing the doctor's voice saying, "start off with 1/4 of a mile...if that feels okay, do that for a couple of weeks then do 1/2 a mile for a couple of weeks." Folks, that's just crazy.

I honestly feel fantastic. There's absolutely no discomfort in my leg.I will stay at 1/2 a mile for at least a week while my muscles and tendons all get used to it, but this "1/4 of a mile for two weeks" is bogus. Sorry, Doc.

So, though it looks like nothing, it's a very promising start! Better than I had hoped.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Fundraising Stats - Amazing!

Only a few days in, nearly half of the fundraising goal has been met. Thank you so much to those of you who are supporting this, monetarily or in prayer.

My fundraising goal:

Money raised to date:

Wanted to share this email message with you...

This Sunday, May 1st, over 500 Abolitionists are hitting their streets, gyms, pools, and yoga mats to get in shape and raise money & awareness about child trafficking. Tread on Trafficking is an 8 week virtual event where those working out can ask sponsors to support them for miles or hours they "tread." Tread on Trafficking has already raised $20,000 this year and it hasn't even begun yet; we're off to a fabulous start! What's made Tread on Trafficking so awesome, though, are the Treaders: people who just want to do something, who are passionate to make a change in their lives and in the lives of children. We wanted to share with you a story from one Treader, Dawna Lamson: